Dear Ray and Vi
I wanted to write and tell you what an impact your talk had on my children.
I have two children who attended your talks on different days last week. My son who is year 10 came home telling me that "we had a really good assembly today". He went on to tell me about Chris and the story of that fateful night. Your explanation of the "ripple effect" really hit home for him. As a family it was thought provoking for all of us and was a topic of conversation over several days, prompting me to write to you.
I wanted you to know that sharing such a painful experience with so many children has had a ripple effect of its own.
We will never know how many other lives you may have saved by doing these talks but I thank you, because it could so easily be my son or any one of his friends.
We admire you and what you are doing. I hope you don't mind me saying, that I think Chris would be very proud of you.
Thank you so very much,